Cartoons of Disposal Behaviour Types
People do many different things with their rubbish in public places.
Some actions involve putting stuff in bins, cleaning up and getting others to do the right thing while other actions damage the environment, create health hazards and make work for others to clean up.
We discovered various types of disposal behaviour after making over 95,000 observations of what people actually did with their unwanted items in malls, beaches, parks, transport stops, markets and outside public buildings. We identified 9 positive behaviours and 11 negative ones.
You are welcome to use these cartoons but please use this acknowledgement:
Copyright Community Change, 2003, Cartoonist Kerry Millard.
Positive Disposal Behaviours
Running after litter which has blown away
Prompting others to do the right thing
Bringing your own containers to take items home for reuse, recycling, composting or disposal
Suggesting others pick up litter they have dropped
Coordinating people to work together to clean up
The Assist
A pick-up if a ‘foul shot’ misses
Trail blazing
Going out of your way to find a bin when there isn’t one nearby
Cleaning up after someone else
Stuffing items into an over full bin, even if your hands get dirty
Negative Disposal Behaviours
Most items are put in the bin but some are left behind
Flagrant flinging
Throwing or dropping items with no apparent concern
Foul shooting
A missed throw at a litter bin
Grinding items into the ground & leaving them there
Placing items under the seat at sporting stadiums, cinemas or events
Items are buried, often in the sand at the beach
Items are stuffed into gaps between seats and other places
Going half way by putting butts and gum on the bin rim but not all the way inside
Clean sweeping
When arriving at a table where others have littered, sweeping items onto the ground
Putting items in objects that are not bins (cardboard boxes, plastic bags or beverage containers) & then leaving them behind
Surreptitious releasing
Discretely littering and moving away as if nothing had happened